Shining Force III Fanwork |
On this page you can find artwork and fiction by fans of Shining Force III.
If you want to submit any fanwork to the site, please feel free to do so. Submit them to this address and include the following details:
- The name of your story/picture.
- The alias you wish to be referred to as.
- Your e-mail address and whether you want it displayed or not.
- If you have a homepage and want a link to be displayed then send the URL too.
- Any comments about your work
Note that if you send an image that is too large it will have to be resized to lower the filesize; it would help a lot if you could make sure the file size is below 200K before sending it.
Works are arranged alphabetically first by name (author/artist) and then by title.
Artist: Athrades |
Comments: Cell-style pic of Honesty holding the dragon lance done in photoshop. It took a REALLY long time to colour this one but I'm pleased with how it came out.
Synbios & Phoenix
Artist: Athrades |
Comments: Synbios with Phoenix in the background. Done in Photoshop.
Waltz Sketch
Artist: Athrades |
Comments: none.
Artist: Richter |
Comments: Pen-only drawing of Spiriel, if you look closely you can still see a very of the placement lines. The others were drawn light enough for me too use yet not be able to be picked up by a scanner. Email for permission if wanting to use.
Premium Disc Custom CD Cover
Artist: Silender |
Comments: none.
Scenario 2 Custom CD Cover
Artist: Silender |
Comments: none.
Scenario 3 Custom CD Cover
Artist: Silender |
Comments: none.
Artist: Steelflight |
Comments: none.
Prince Medion
Artist: Steelflight |
Comments: My first attempt at drawing Medion.