CoxyAthradesUpdate: 5th June 2006 - Gallery Update - Half Quarter Pics
Site updated by Coxy & Ath
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This site is listed as a 5 Star Shining Force Site in the Shining Force Central directory

By the bog folks it's true, we have actual new content on the site in todays update.

We've managed to get together a nice little bundle of SF3 art by Half Quarter and put it all up in the galleries section, so head on in there post-haste and ogle them artworks

- Coxy & Ath
CoxyUpdate: 3rd June 2006 - Shining Scribbles!
Site updated by Coxy

I've added an Oekaki Board to the forum section of the site today
So you artistic types better get to doodling some masterpieces on it
Those of you who,like me, are less than spectacular at art, should check it out anyway to peruse and comment on the art posted by others.

It's a pretty spiffy tool if I do say so myself, so have fun with it guys, Cap'n out.

- Coxy
CoxyAthradesUpdate: 6th May 2006 - Wise Fwom Youw Gwave!
Site updated by Coxy & Ath

ok guys, we've got some good news and some bad news for you.

The Bad News: Shin is busy with uni stuff, exams and study and all, so he doesn't have time to devote to the site and won't be around much.

The Good News: He's left me and Ath in charge of the site.

What does this mean for Jumesyn?
For a start the forums are back at long last, and will be staying up this time.

Secondly the site will be updated much more often, we have quite a few ideas for updates and you'll be seeing the first of them showing up pretty soon.

Thirdly, we'll be taking a much more active stance with user generated content, adding fanart and fan fiction to the site whenever possible.

That's about it from me for now, remember to direct your comments and suggestions to me(Coxy) and Athrades from now on and we'll do our best to help you

- Coxy & Ath
ShinUpdate: 21st March 2005 - Forums Online
Site updated by shinsachiel
The Jumesyn forums have finally been added to the site's content. You can find them here:


- shinsachiel
ShinUpdate: 28th October 2004 - What the Bog
Site updated by shinsachiel
Jumesyn is back after a long hiatus and is ready to serve the Shining Force III community once more. Apologies to all those who've had to use the archive.org saved pages to view the site's data. To bring you up to speed, jumesyn.net's hosting ran out and the domain name was pounced upon by squatters. Since my old host was pretty crummy, I've moved it all to smoovenet and the site is now jumesyn.com, so spread the word.

There isn't any new content on the site that wasn't here before, but I've spruced up the layout a tad. There's a nice, darker background now and i've got rid of the old big, blocky black table borders, replaced them with smaller ones and there are some lovely images in the menu tables now. Ok, it's not a great deal of change, but it's the little things that count.

New updates will be forthcoming when I find the time; there's still some of the scenario specific guides to be finished off and, hopefully, there will be some jumesyn-exclusive material and media in the future.

Meanwhile, as some form of repentence for keeping the site down so long, I shall be burning this image into my retinas over the next 10 hours:

- shinsachiel
  Website best viewed in Internet Explorer with a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels or higher | e-mail: shinsachiel@jumesyn.com